2021 New Years Eve Caribbean Cruise

We took a 14 days cruise to the Caribbean and Bahamas with planned port stops in Jamaica, Aruba, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Bahamas. Dec 26, 2021 to Jan 6, 2022

We were planning on taking a 14 days cruise to the Caribbean and Bahamas with port stops in Jamaica, Aruba, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Bahamas. On the second day of the cruise and after the first port MSC private island in the Bahamas, there was an out break of Covid on the ship. Those who tested positive were quarantined to one of the ships decks. We were tested twice and was negative both times.
The scheduled ports of our cruise, all refused the ships docking. The passengers were left in the dark about the ships plan for the balance of our 12 days at sea. After 3 days at sea 3 additional port were added to our itinerary. Honduras, Belize and Cozumel (ports with looser Covid Restrictions).
Needless to say, we were disappointed that we did not get the cruise we expected and paid for. We made the best of the situation and tried to enjoy the balance of the cruise.




